Last night I prepared all the materials we would need with us when starting a new bank account in Israel. Fortunately, Nefesh B'Nefesh and Rifka Lebowitz's book prepared us well for what we would need. So I packed up our teudat oleh (new immigrant id's), teudat zehut (id cards), American passports, a notice from the sal klitah (the absorption basket) saying we now have a bank account, and papers with information on them like our phone numbers (no we have not memorized them yet), and our address (yes we do know it!). We walked to the bank branch nearest our new apartment and asked if we could have an appointment for setting up a new account. Fortunately, we only had to wait 20 minutes outdoors and then we were allowed to go into the bank with a paper stating we had an appointment. Our banker spoke Hebrew and English and was very patient and helpful. The process of giving information and signing papers took a full two hours. Then we went to anoth...