Phase 2...The interview and beyond

We actually completed our portfolio which means we had to collect our birth certificates and our marriage certificate (with apostille stamps), letters from a Rabbi attesting to our status as Jews, a letter of reference from a friend living in Israel, health records, and information about our former travels in and out of Israel.  Once our portfolio was complete, we were interviewed by Ron L. in Omaha, the shlicha that serves the Omaha Jewish community.

Her notes about our interview were sent to the Jewish Agency in Israel and now we must wait 2 months before we get permission to apply for a visa.  The timing seems long, especially since we've been working on the aliyah process for over a year, but I suppose if one has waited to age almost 70 to actually make aliyah, another month or two is really nothing in the scheme of things.

Image result for waiting for aliyahSo what are we doing while we wait?  We are learning about how to send some of our household effects overseas, figuring out what we will take and what we will leave behind or donate to others, and basically culling through 38 years of living in one house.  This process itself will take months to accomplish.  Downsizing is never easy, especially for two packrats, but it certainly is a must when starting over in a smaller space.

Another time filler while we wait....using Rosetta Stone's Hebrew language program.  Hopefully by the time we are on our way, my language skills will be much improved!Image result for rosetta stone hebrew


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